It differs from the singly linked list in that where each node contains an extra pointer to the previous node along with the next pointer. That said what is the problem with changing the pointers? I recall the inazuma project I was somehow involved in had some issues with the place names being in the binary (and thus a complete nightmare to edit pointers for) but surely the descriptions are fairly conventional text with conventional pointers. A doubly linked list is a variation of the singly linked list.

WinHex is in its core a universal hexadecimal editor, particularly helpful in. If it was though then the encoding is held in the format unlike most other things which are all buried in the text handling engine, I mention that mainly so if someone searching the forums in years to come finds this then do pull apart the encoding that the font format itself carries. WinHex: Computer Forensics & Data Recovery Software, Hex Editor & Disk Editor.

It has been a while since I looked at the inazuma games but I don't think the font is nftr, and it behaving like this would also say it is probably not. You might be able to get the game to use the other text decoding function that does support the characters you want, it is not without its own issues though.
Not so common on the DS as space is fairly plentiful (I know deufeufeu's Jump Ulitimate Stars patch did it anyway) but common enough on older systems where space meant something. What you describe that you want to do is known as a 16bit to 8bit encoding conversion or some jumble of those words. I first thought you meant the earlier section had say 0020 and up as well as 08? and beyond but the descriptions only did 08? and up, similar enough and what I said still stands but an interesting twist. To find the decode values then you pretty much have to reverse the text engine, or find where it reads the text string it wants and tells it what tiles to pull in from the font.